We no longer sell books and sacramentals,
but we have provided below sources for certain
items (underlined) which we most highly recommend.
1. The Catholic Company, 615 E. Westinghouse Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28273
Douay-Rheims Bible, Douay-Rheims Textual Concordance of Holy Scripture, Summa Theologica (5 Vol. Set)
2. Mother of Our Savior Company, 5271 E. Mann Rd., Pekin, IN 47165-8807
e mail:
Catholic sacramentals and books
3. Confraternity of the Precious Blood, 1-800-437-5876
My Imitation of Christ (pocket sized)
4. Catholic Book Publishing Company, 77 W. End Rd., Totowa, NJ 07512,\
Bibles, The New St. Joseph Catechism No. 2, My Imitation of Christ, and
Divine Intimacy
5. Baronius Press, 814-414-0245,
Douay-Rheims Bible $55.00
6. Angelus Press, 1-800-966-7337,
Pius X Society; many traditional books including Baptism of Desire –
A Patristic Commentary by Rev. Fr. Jean Marc Rulleau
7. Bethlehem Books, 10194 Garfield St. S., Bathgate, ND 58216
Specializes in “wholesome, character-building literature” for children of all ages
8. Lepanto Press, 421 S. Lochsa St., Post Falls, ID 83854
Catholic home-school curriculum provider
Jesus and Mary have emphasized the extreme importance and even necessity of
using the following 4 sacramentals in the terrible times to come: 1) small
crucifixes fastened on the outside of the doors leading into our homes; 2)
wearing the Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel; 3) wearing the St. Benedict medal;
and 4) praying the Rosary daily and the wearing of a rosary around our necks.
Therefore, even though we do not sell these items, we recommend obtaining these
essential sacramentals from the following well-established mail order business:
The Mother of Our Saviour Co, Inc.
5271 E. Mann Rd.
Pekin, IN 47165
Call 1-800-451-3993 (9 am - 6 PM EST) to place an order or obtain a catalogue
($2.00) by Visa, Master Card, and Discover credit cards.
24-hour fax: (812) 967-2980
See website: for
catalogue of items.
General: In the Bible a woman touches Jesus' cloak and is healed. Divine power
"flowed through" this object (the cloak). In theology the principle is that
"grace inheres in matter." Blessed objects are called sacramentals because they
are sacred conduits of grace. By the manifest will of God they are set aside and
blessed for a holy purpose.
All sacramentals (e.g., the crucifix, scapular and rosary) should be blessed by
a priest. The St. Benedict medal when received, already has special blessings.
ORIGIN AND EXPLANATION OF THE MEDAL: St. Benedict (born at Nursia, Italy, in
480) had a profound veneration for the Holy Cross and for our Saviour Crucified.
In virtue of the Sign of the Cross, he wrought many miracles and exercised great
power over the spirits of darkness. In consequence of the great veneration in
which St. Benedict was held from the early Middle Ages, it followed that a Medal
was struck, one side of which represents St. Benedict holding the Cross in one
hand and the Holy Rule in the other. Around the image of St. Benedict are these
words in Latin: "May his presence protect us in the hour of death." St. Benedict
has ever been the patron of the dying, because of the circumstances attending
his own most glorious death, for he breathed forth his soul while standing in
prayer before the Most Blessed Sacrament.
The reverse of the Medal shows the image of the Cross. Around the margin are the
initials of Latin words which form verses originating with the holy Father
Benedict himself. Their English translation: "Begone Satan! Suggest not to me
thy vain things. The cup thou profferest me is evil; drink thou thy poison." In
the angles formed by the arms of the Cross are the letter C.S. P. B., signifying
"Cross of the holy Father Benedict." The letters on the Cross itself have this
meaning: "May the Holy Cross be my light; let not the dragon be my guide."
The Medal of St. Benedict is one of the Sacramentals of the Church, and as such
it should be used. The value and power of the Medal must be ascribed to the
merits of Christ Crucified, to the efficacious prayers of St. Benedict, to the
blessing of the Church, and especially to the faith and holy disposition of the
person using the Medal.
The following is a partial list of the many pious purposes of the Medal of St.
- It wards off from both the soul and the body all dangers arising from the
- The Medal is powerful in obtaining for sinners the grace of conversion.
- It obtains protection and aid for persons tormented by the evil spirit, and
in temptations against holy purity.
- It procures assistance in the hour of death.
- It has often proved an efficacious remedy for bodily sufferings, and a means
of protection against contagious diseases.
- Expectant mothers have obtained special assistance for a safe delivery.
- In time of storms, tempests and other dangers on land and sea it has been
found to be a protection.
- Even domestic animals have been visibly aided by it when infected with
"Whosoever dies clothed in this (scapular) shall not suffer eternal fire."
This is the Blessed Virgin Mary's PROMISE, made July 16, 1251, to St. Simon
True devotion to Mary consists in three things: Veneration, Confidence, Love.
Without saying to Mary that we venerate her, love her, and trust in her
protection, we tell her these things every moment of the day by simply wearing
the Scapular. When we use it as a prayer, Our Lady draws us to the Sacred Heart
of her Divine Son. It is well, therefore, to hold the Scapular in the
hand while addressing Our Lady. A prayer uttered thus, while
holding the mystical Scapular, is as perfect as a prayer can be. It is
especially in time of temptation that we need the
powerful intercession of God's Mother. The evil spirit is utterly powerless when
a Scapular-wearer, besides his silent devotion, faces temptation calling upon
Pope Benedict XV granted an indulgence of 500 days each time
the Scapular is kissed.
To be eligible for The Scapular Promise, one must be enrolled in the Family of
Carmel. This is a simple ceremony which takes only a moment and can be done by
any Carmelite or duly authorized priest.
Mary's Motherhood is not limited to Catholics, it is extended to ALL MEN. Many
miracles of conversion have been wrought in favor on non-Catholics who have
practiced the Scapular devotion.
The Sabbatine Privilege is Mary's promise to release from purgatory soon after
death all those who: (1) Wear the Brown Scapular; (2) Observe chastity according
to their state in life; and (3) Say the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
every day. The recitation of the Little Office can be replaced by the daily
Rosary at least five decades.
There are so many Catholics who know how to say the Rosary that a person can
find instructions in its use wherever he lives.
The Rosary was given to the Church through St. Dominic in the 13th century as a
heavenly weapon. He was engaged in spiritual combat against the Albigenses
heresy. It was in the forest of Bouconne that St. Dominic, wrapped in ecstasy,
saw the Immaculate Mother of God coming towards him in dazzling brightness.
Holding a Rosary in her hands, she addressed him in these words: "Be of
good courage, Dominic. The fruits of your labors will be abundant. You know how
much the salvation of this people has cost my Son. He does not wish that the
work of salvation should become useless. Remember, then, that the redemption of
the world was begun by the salutation of the angel, that it was completed by the
bitter Passion and Death of my divine son, and that it was established and
secured by His glorious Resurrection. The remedy, therefore, of so many evils
shall be meditation on the mysteries of the life, death, and glory of my Son,
uniting thereto the Angelic Salutation, by which the great mystery of redemption
was announced to the world." She then explained to St. Dominic
how this devotion was to be practiced and continued by means of the Rosary.
"The earth, she added, shall remain barren till watered by
the heavenly dew of this devotion. You are to preach this devotion as a practice
of piety most dear to my Son and to me; as a most powerful means of dissipating
heresy, extinguishing vice, spreading virtue, imploring the divine mercy, and
obtaining my protection. I desire that this manner of prayer shall be
perpetually promoted and practiced. The faithful shall obtain by it numberless
benefits, and shall always find me ready to aid them in all their wants. This is
the precious gift which, through you, I bequeath to the world."
The Rosary contains the Creed, the Our Father, and the Hail Mary (the main part
of which appears in Scripture) and the Glory Be... The Rosary is a meditation
upon the entire life of Christ, with a decade of prayers said after a brief
meditation on each of the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary.
1st Joyful Mystery
2nd Joyful Mystery
3rd Joyful Mystery
4th Joyful Mystery
5th Joyful Mystery
1st Sorrowful Mystery
2nd Sorrowful Mystery
3rd Sorrowful Mystery
4th Sorrowful Mystery
5th Sorrowful Mystery
1st Glorious Mystery
2nd Glorious Mystery
3rd Glorious Mystery
4th Glorious Mystery
5th Glorious Mystery
The Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to Mary
The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth
The Birth of Jesus
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
The Agony of Jesus in the Garden
The Scourging of Jesus at the Pillar
The Crowning of Jesus with Thorns
The Carrying of the Cross
The Crucifixion of Death of Jesus
The Resurrection of Jesus
The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
The Assumption of Mary into heaven
The Crowning of Mary in Heaven
To top of page
Messages of Jesus and Mary in America
177 lengthy Messages
Our Lady of the Roses Shrine P. O. Box 52, Bayside NY 11361 (24
hr. information 718-961-8865)
To order by credit card call toll free: 1- 800 - 638-4376. Ask for their
complete free catalogue or see their website at
Recommended items: (Note: All "prices" are Shrine's recommended donations.)
- 1. Individual Messages:
- All Messages 1970-1994 $39.00
- 11 X 17 sheets (front and back) 20 cents apiece. Order by year (1977-1994).
- Tabloid format for years 1973-76: 1973/$3.00; 1974/$2.00; 1975-76/$5.00.
- The Blue Book -- A beautiful summary of the Messages with much related
information and many pictures. Price: $15.00
- Blessed Rose Petals -- Free (donation accepted)
- Directives -- Message excerpts listed by topic. Full set of 86 for $8.95.
- St. Benedict medals, small crucifixes, etc.
NOTES: These are one of the final revelations to be given
to mankind before the Warning, Miracle and Chastisement. They essentially give
the particulars needed to understand the full meaning of Fatima and LaSalette in
our times. The seer, in ecstasy, visioned Jesus, Mary and some of the Saints and
received messages (which were taped), while thousands around her prayed the
Rosary for the clergy (for 3 hours) on major feast days of the church at the
Vatican Pavilion Grounds in Flushing Meadows Park, New York. She underwent
tremendous suffering as a victim soul for many years. Neither she, nor the
completely orthodox Messages, nor the thousands of miracles were ever
investigated by the diocese of Brooklyn, even though certain persons published
such a statement. (See page 15.) Pope John Paul II gave his personal blessing to
this Shrine and its work. No other statement concerning these phenomena has ever
been issued by the Holy Office.
Pope Paul VI abrogated Canons 1399 and 2318 which formerly censured the laity in
such matters. Catholics may now investigate and follow such matters, with
devotion, as long as they do not endanger Faith or Morals. In other words,
because of the explosion of such phenomena in these times the Pope had to lay
the major responsibility upon the laity for fulfilling St. Paul's instructions
to 'despise not prophecy, but test the spirits'.
And this is a duty, not a mere option. We must do our own investigating. In
these times, especially, no Catholic can take this responsibility
lightly. We cannot let unsubstantiated reports and rumors do our thinking for
us. First, we must get the actual facts, the evidence, by reading the messages
and studying the phenomena, the purported events, and miracles, the
testimonials, etc. We must examine all in the light of the teachings of the
Magisterium of the Church, after saying the Church's prayer to the Holy Spirit
for the grace of discernment.
Regarding apparitions that have not been approved by the church, Pope Urban
VIII, who reigned upon the Throne of Peter from 1623 until 1644, once had this
to say:
"In cases like this (apparitions), it is better to believe than not to
believe, for, if you believe, and it is proven true, you will be happy that you
believed, because Our Holy Mother asked it. If you believe, and it should be
proven false, you will receive all blessings as if it had been true, because you
believed it to be true."
"I am the Queen of Heaven, Mother of Earth, Mediatrix of all Graces. I come
to you with graces in abundance, graces for the asking. I will dispense to all
those who will join me in rescuing their brothers, many graces, manifestations,
by means of conversion and cure. I place upon these consecrated and sacred
grounds, the graces to rescue souls in these dark days..." (Words of Our
Lady, November 20, 1972)
Our Lady placed her hand out and said pleadingly: "Please, My children,
gather about me now. Let me bestow upon you any graces necessary in the trying
days ahead. I want you all to carry forth my plan for your salvation: a string
of Rosaries, from one end of your country to the other. You will all, in these
trials, win your crowns!" (April 10, 1973)
Veronica asked Our Lady, for all present and those who sent their petitions to
the Shrine, whether these could be granted. Our Lady said: "Many will be
granted their supplications, but many will also have to bear their crosses of
illness in order to purify their souls to enter the Kingdom. They will eliminate
their stay in Purgatory by cleansing their souls as victim souls upon earth and
suffering for the weak!" (August 21, 1971)
Our Lady carries roses, sending petals down upon all saying: "I have used the
petals of the roses as instruments, significant of the graces that I will bestow
upon you." (Roses brought to the vigils by kind and thoughtful souls to help
decorate Our Lady's altar, are distributed to the people in attendance towards
the end of the vigil. The rose petals should be dried for 3 days in a book and
then laminated. They are then to be given to the ill, the infirm, and all those
in need of spiritual cures or conversion.
"All who come to me on my hallowed grounds, I will comfort them in their
sufferings. Many graces of cure and conversion will be given from Our hearts.
There is nothing the Father would not do to rescue you, my children." (June
8, 1972)
"My beads of prayer have been given to you. I promise now, all who tell my
beads daily shall be saved from the trials that lie ahead." (June 8, 1972)
"All who come to the sacred grounds have come with reason. The Eternal Father
has a plan, and everyone who comes to the sacred grounds has been called there
by the Father..." (Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ, June 18, 1883)
"Many of My clergy are on the road to perdition and taking many trusting
souls with them. It is a knife in My heart that Satan has been allowed to enter
into My Church, but now My Mother has been given, as a Mediatrix between God and
man, the knowledge and power from heaven to gather Our armies of little saints
upon earth. And it will be these people, humble, of little means, but with full
hearts, who will go forward and restore My Church." (Jesus, July 25, 1977)
"My Mother has given you My way. It is a simple road that must be followed.
The rules have been given to you that must not be changed, as you cater to the
basic carnal nature of man, a generation that has fallen! You will not make
changes within My House, for you have dispersed My sheep. You will restore My
House to its former glory. Strip your hearts of your pride! Recognize your
errors and restore My House!
"I say this to you as your Creator, as your God: Restore My House, or I shall
come down and restore it Myself with a firm hand! And shall you stand before Me,
O pastors, and say that your teachings have been pure in My sight? I shall take
you and spit you out as spittle into the fires of eternal damnation! Vermin that
came out of the flowers!" (Jesus, December 28, 1976)
"I send to My clergy, those whom I have given the grace to represent Heaven
upon earth, this warning: You must now return to your traditional rites, you
must restore My House from its crumbling exterior and rotting interior. You must
rebuild what you seek to destroy now!" (Jesus, November 22, 1975)
"Many miters now hold major responsibility for the loss of their sheep. You
have scattered them in all directions. And now what do you intend to do to
restore My House? Restore My House now, for I shall return and I shall send you
out of My House, forever lost to Heaven. Your rank has no precedence over
another soul when this soul is being sent into the abyss. You hold a major
responsibility for the loss of My sheep." (Jesus, May 29, 1976)
"You must now cleanse yourselves of the contamination that you have allowed
to enter upon My Church. Right the wrong; restore My House. The Eternal Father
is most merciful in His dealings with a degenerate generation. He is
long-suffering and merciful, but the time is fast running out. I say this not to
place fear in your hearts, but to give you a statement of fact. You must all
work, pray, and set by an example the road ahead. Light this road by your
example, so that others may be given the light." (Jesus, August 5, 1976)
"This evil has penetrated far into the very heart of My House. You must now
turn back and restore My House. I, your God, give you this command for the
salvation of your own soul." (Jesus, August 21, 1976)
"Therefore, I warn you now as your God: You will stop your intricacies within
My Church. You will stop experimenting. I gave you the rules to follow many
years ago, two thousand years approximately. And why now, two thousand years
later, do you deem it necessary to change My Church upon earth? I, your God, say
to you, you will be judged accordingly. You will return My Church to its former
glory, and in that manner you will have more vocations and more entering the
seminaries, and not fleeing from them as they hear the heresies and all other
innovations that are going on within My Church." (Jesus, June 18, 1986)
"This generation shall pass away, but My words shall not. For the end is fast
coming upon mankind, the end of time as you know it, and your nation shall fall.
All because of your rejection of your God. All because you have given yourself
to the mores of the world and Satan, as I have cautioned you and warned you
through countless years upon earth." (Jesus, May 30, 1981)
"Obedience, My child, obedience -- how sad that the true meaning has met with
distortion. Satan has used the rule of obedience to bring about the destruction
of souls. There is, My child, only one majesty Who commands your obedience. This
is the Father -- the Father, the most high God in heaven, the Kingdom of light.
You must not honor man before your God. You must not sell your soul to man! For
you, therefore, are selling your soul to the devil." (Our Lady, December 6,
"The Eternal City of Rome shall pass through a great conflagration.
Discipline must be restored. Obedience, yes -- but true obedience to their God
and not the mores of man. Much evil is being condoned, disguised under the guise
of obedience. Let us, My children, call this a false obedience, clouded by
errors and satanism." (Jesus, August 21, 1976)
"Many in My Son's Church have fallen away. Pray for your brothers and
sisters, My children. Pray for your bishops, your priests, who are under great
attack by reason of false obedience." (Our Lady, December 7, 1977)
"I give you now, as I gave you in the past to all mankind, two sacramentals,
for your redemption: the beads of prayer, your Rosary, and the Scapular, the
brown cloth of life everlasting. Wear them, My children. Protect your families
and your children. The end for man shall come like a thief in the night, fast
upon you without warning. However, as I said unto you in the past, I will repeat
again: My children of light, those who accept and believe shall not be caught
unprepared and without warning." (Our Lady, October 6, 1978)
"The world as you know it shall be changed -- not completely, My child,
annihilated as in the time of Noe, but changed. The peace promised shall be
given at this time." (Our Lady, December 24, 1974)
"The Ball of Redemption hovers closer to your world. It is not an ordinary
celestial star, My child. It is a supernatural manifestation performed by the
Eternal Father. It will be a chastisement such as mankind has never seen before
nor will ever see again. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of
Redemption." (Our Lady, April 17, 1976)
"Remember: one Rosary a day, at least -- at least, I say, must be prayed in
the home that is to be spared." (Jesus, April 14, 1984)
"Your children must be taught at home, given a firm foundation of the truth,
the knowledge of their Faith. You must instill in their hearts the love of God
before the love of any man." (Our Lady, October 6, 1979)
"My child, you will make it known to mankind that the head of an earthly
family is the father. The Father Eternal will guide the father, the head of the
household. A woman of earth shall not cast aside her role as mother and
housekeeper. In her role as mother, she shall be the guardian of her children's
souls and a helpmate of her husband, and a guardian also of his earthly soul and
the soul eternal. By her example in her household, she has the power, as woman,
for good or evil. She shall stay in her home and guide her children." (St.
Joseph, July 15, 1975)
"As it was in the days of old, the angel of death shall pass by those who
retain the monuments (religious statues) in their homes." (Our Lady,
May 18, 1977)
"Remember, My children, the Exorcism to St. Michael must be repeated daily in
your homes!" (Our Lady, September 13, 1977)
"You must remove from your homes these diabolical agents of hell, the
recordings of Lucifer, that will put into your child a spell, a hypnotism
leading to promiscuity, deviant sex, homosexuality, drugs, murders, abortions,
and all manner of foul deeds that could only be conceived in the mind of the
prince of darkness, Lucifer himself." (Our Lady, September 14, 1979)
"There is a formation within My House that I give and label as the evil men
of the cross. They are impostors. They have entered to destroy. They have
reached and attained the highest leadership in My House upon earth. They are
recrucifying Me in My House. Your Vicar is a prisoner within My House."
(Jesus, November 22, 1976)
"The red forces are on the march. They seek control of the throne of Peter.
My children, the man of perdition is among you." (Jesus, May 28, 1977)
"My children, much of the evil now that is spreading in the United States and
Canada was promoted by these men and women of satan, known as Communists, who
have been allowed to enter not only into your country and the countries of the
world, but also into My Son's Church upon earth." (Our Lady, May 17, 1986)
"The enemies of God entered into the houses of My Son many earth-years ago.
Their plan has been insidious, and with much cunning they came forward, coming
into the highest places in power within the houses of My Son. In this manner, My
children, have they been able to mislead, misguide, and set many souls onto the
road to destruction of their eternal souls." (Our Lady, August 5, 1974)
"There will be a tremendous explosion, and the sky shall roll back like a
scroll. This force shall go within the very core of the human. He will
understand his offenses to his God." (Our Lady, June 12, 1976)
"All who remain in the light of grace will have no fear. They will pass
through this great Warning without suffering." (Our Lady, April 5, 1975)
"My child, you speculate much about the coming Warning. I have asked you many
times not to speculate on dates, but I give you one indication that the time is
ripe. When you see, when you hear, when you feel the revolution in Rome, when
you see the Holy Father fleeing, seeking a refuge in another land, know that the
time is ripe." (Jesus, September 14, 1976)
"It is through suffering that you will gain a measure of perfection."
(Our Lady, September 6, 1975)
"My children, remember, in the days ahead, for they will be days of great
trial and suffering; whenever you feel you despair, you will say, My Jesus, My
confidence!" (Our Lady, June 4, 1977)
"You, My child, were not chosen by accident. You were chosen for your
strength in suffering." (Our Lady, March 18, 1973)
"Well have they laid their plan to destroy your children with drugs, using
your school systems, your medias of communication, your newspapers, your
televisions, your radios." (Our Lady, November 25, 1978)
"They vomit filth! They corrupt the minds of the young and old. They are the
boxes created by satan to invade your homes! They have invaded your homes. Take
the axe to them." (Our Lady, November 1, 1974)
"Your medias of entertainment are polluted. Your children must be protected
against this pollution in pornography and exploitation of sex. O parents, you
have the greatest battle now to keep the souls of your children from
contamination. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, so protect your children's
eyes: watch what they read and what they look upon. Discipline your children and
you shall not cry later as parents." (Our Lady, June 16, 1977)
"They are performing now prodigies and wonders to confuse and confound
mankind. You call one of them the UFOs. They are supernatural manifestations
from hell. They are created in the minds of some by the demons, who are capable,
because of great power upon earth, to control now the elements, nature."
(Our Lady, February 1, 1978)
"In this final battle, there are many agents of hell loosed upon earth. They
are traveling in transports. Do not be won over to a false theory of life beyond
the heavens, other than the Kingdom of God. Know that it is Satan who sends
these vehicles before you. They are to confuse and confound you. These objects
that take flight across your earth are from hell. They are only the false
miracles of your times. Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of
man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become
more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls." (Our Lady, December 24,
"They have, I repeat, brought forth an impostor, while they have laid low
Pope Paul VI, your true Father. It is the deception of the century!" (Our
Lady, October 2, 1975)
"The appearance in public is not Paul VI; it is the impostor pope. Medication
of evil has dulled the brain of the true pope, Pope Paul VI. They send into his
veins poison to dull his reasoning and paralyze his legs. What evil creatures
have you opened the doors to the Eternal City and admitted?" (Our Lady,
September 27, 1975)
"This impostor, who has been given the image of the Pope, Our Vicar Paul VI,
will pose and assume a role of compromise to the world. It is the plan of the
evil ones about him... to discredit your Vicar by placing him in print and
photographs in a compromising position to destroy him." (Our Lady, April 10,
"In the city of Rome there will be great confusion and trial. Satan, Lucifer
in human form, entered into Rome in the year 1972. He cut off the rule, the role
of the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI." (Our Lady, September 7, 1978)
"America, you will remove yourself, as a country, from that brood of vipers
in your city that has set itself up to govern the world's peoples and lead them
to destruction." (reference to United Nations) (Our Lady, December 7, 1971)
"The major incident that will come upon your country is involvement in war.
And short thereon, shortly thereon, there will be sent upon the world and your
country the Ball of Redemption (a comet). And many will die in this great flame
of the Ball of Redemption." (Our Lady, March 18, 1977)
"Wars shall increase, and the great World War, the greatest of all, shall
befall mankind, and shall make extinct three-quarters of the world's population.
Is this what you want?" (Our Lady, June 18, 1982)
"There will be a great War, and at the time of this crisis will return the
Lord of lords and the King of kings." (Our Lady, November 20, 1972)
Veronica -- I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa. Oh,
my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness now settling upon those
countries... "The start of the Third World War, My child." (Our Lady,
March 29, 1975)
"The six days of suffering (the first 3 days, WWIII; the next 3 days, the
comet or Ball of Redemption) are not for you, for you are counted among the
few." (Our Lady, August 14, 1981)
Seer not interrogated...
...Bishop not involved
Did the Brooklyn Chancery 'Investigate' Veronica?
By Anne McGinn Cillis
Mrs. Veronica Leuken, the seer of Bayside, has not been given a fair
investigation by the officials of the Catholic Church.
Last year, I did an exhaustive investigative reporting job for another
newspaper, on Brooklyn Chancery's role in the investigation of the Bayside
apparitions, which at that time, had been going on for nearly seven years.
The "Brooklyn Chancery" is the office of Veronica's bishop, Bishop Francis J.
I uncovered some shocking documentation.
To begin with, it was very evident, right from the beginning, that the bishop
himself had not been involved in any way with Veronica's visions. Despite this,
however, a subtle campaign had been long underway, to convey to the public that
the bishop had actually investigated Veronica and had found her apparitions to
be "spurious." This, in fact, had been actually conveyed to the United States
Episcopal Conference, which had, in turn, notified all the bishops in America
that, in effect, Veronica was to be considered a fraud, and that Catholics of
the nation were to be warned to beware of her.
The repercussions of this were, of course, incalculable. American bishops issued
pastoral letters, which were read from the country's pulpits as earnestly as if
they contained the gospel in traditional times. Bishops from other countries,
most notably Canada, formed their opinions as a result of these American
Episcopal pronouncements, and scathing denunciations of Veronica and her visions
were scornfully enunciated in a good number of Chanceries here. Since good
people, even in bad times, are usually inclined to believe the bishop, the end
result has been a concerted suppression of all the true facts concerning the
case, and the misleading of the flock, who have a right to expect more
responsibility from their shepherds.
Just who had instigated and perpetrated this monstrous deception?
There were many culprits, but the main one turned out to be the former
Chancellor of the Diocese of Brooklyn, Monsignor James P. King. I managed, as
part of my investigation of them, to
chase him down by long distance telephone, in the quiet seclusion of his
Flushing, N.Y. rectory.
Here is the exact text of my conversation with that gentleman:
Yes, he, Monsignor James P. King, had conducted an
"investigation" of the Bayside apparitions.
"The Bishop told me I should look into it. The parish council (at St. Robert
Bellarmine's) wanted Veronica investigated."
He appointed a committee of four, with himself as chairman. He would not name
any of the others on the committee, except Monsignor J. Emmett McDonald, who was
at that time, the pastor of St. Robert Bellarmine Church.
He could not remember when the investigation took place, "about three or four
years ago." (The "chancery statement is dated April 18, 1975.)
He was not sure how long it had lasted... "it may have been a couple of months."
Did he or any of his committee interrogate Veronica?
No, they did not.
Was there any reason why an ecclesiastical enquiry would
deliberately sidestep the testimony of the principal witness?
"Well, Veronica was so nice, so sincere... we didn't want to hurt her feelings."
We asked if "feelings" constituted a canonical consideration.
Well, we just didn't want her to get upset."
If they did not question Veronica, whom DID they question?
"We questioned members of the community who had been inconvenienced by the
crowds thronging to Veronica's prayer vigils. And we questioned parishioners at
St. Robert's."
Did they question any of Veronica's close workers?
"We may have, I don't recall."
(Mrs. Ann Ferguson, who acts as a special aide to Veronica, has stated
categorically that not one of the workers was approached, or questioned.)
If they did not question Veronica, and could not remember
questioning any of her followers or workers, then where did they get their
information regarding the apparitions?
Monsignor King replied that they had "some typed messages" and a number of tapes
of Veronica's voice made during the vigils. The messages were on the tapes, and
the typed messages were transcripts of the tapes.
Did he or any of the committee members listen to the tapes?
No, they did not.
Did they even listen to one single tape?
No; they relied solely on the typed messages.
Did he or any of the committee members check the typescripts to
be sure that they accurately reflected the exact words on the tapes?
No, they did not. They felt that the typed messages were sufficient for their
Did they read all the typed messages in their possession?
No, they read a few to get an idea of what was being said. But they did not read
all the typed messages.
Did they investigate any of the cures allegedly obtained through
Our Lady at Bayside?
No, they didn't feel that was necessary.
Did they investigate any of the conversions attributed to the
intercession of Our Lady at Bayside?
No. Monsignor King didn't recall hearing about any conversions.
Did they investigate the so-called "miraculous photographs" of
Yes, they submitted some of these to "experts", and the "experts" were convinced
that the photos were either double exposure, or else amateurish blunderings with
Polaroid cameras.
Were these "experts" from the Polaroid Company itself?
No, they were not.
Who, in fact, were these experts?
Monsignor King could not remember.
- Veronica was never interrogated, or even approached, by either the
investigating committee collectively, or by any individual or individuals on
that committee.
- The verbatim tapes (with her voice, while in ecstasy, repeating the
messages) were never listened to by any of the "investigators".
- Only typescripts of these tapes were examined, and not even all of these
were used; furthermore, what was used, was not examined in detail.
- No one compared the typescripts to the tapes to be sure that the typescripts
reflected, accurately, the verbatim messages on the tapes.
- None of Veronica's workers or followers were even approached, let alone
- None of the cures were investigated. ("We didn't feel that was necessary.")
- None of the conversions were investigated.
- The miraculous Polaroid pictures were not investigated. "Some" of these were
submitted to "experts" (and subsequently denounced as having either a natural
explanation, or as being "the result of amateurish blundering") but the
"experts" consulted were not from the Polaroid Company and were, in fact, so
"expert" that Monsignor King, in thinking back, could not even recall who they
- Those whose testimony was solicited were persons who for various reasons
were opposed to Veronica's vigils in the first place; "members of the community
who had been inconvenienced by the crowds" thronging to the vigils, or else
modernist parishioners of St. Robert's Church, where the parish council had
pressured the pastor to have the vigils stopped.
- The important evidence of the miraculous pictures had been
judged by anonymous persons whose credentials Monsignor King could not
This, then, is the basis for the wise pronouncements of those clergy members who
make public (and private) stands against Bayside, while quoting as their supreme
authority, "the Bishop of Brooklyn."
These people must be challenged, and politely but firmly rejected, until such
time as a full, thorough, judicial investigation of the Bayside apparitions has
been properly and fully ordered and executed by Veronica's bishop himself.
In the meantime, it is an act of the most sublime charity to acquaint everyone
possible, with the fact that these apparitions are going
on, that they have been going on for a number of years, that they are quite
public in that they take place at Rosary Vigils held in a public park in a big
American city, and that there are messages coming forth that make much more
sense, and are far more Catholic, than many of the messages contained in the
local parish bulletin, or the ones coming forth over the PA attached to the
local parish pulpit.
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